January 3, 2004


Filed under: Racing — admin @ 7:06 pm

After a structly in the Artic rally the team managed to win its class (1300-1600cm3). Big thanks goes to mechanics who had some extra work to do with the car. Pictures in gallery.

Final preparations for Historic Arctic Lapland Rally (22.-24.1.2004) held in Rovaniemi have started. Pohjola Rally and testing brought up couple of minor problems that will be fixed before the rally.

Team took part at Pohjola Rally with Cortina GT. Jarmo J. Husso with Jaakko Pikkarainen as co-driver drove 000-car. This event acted as a good preparation event for the upcoming Artic Rally.

Team’s rookie driver Kari Pikkarainen took part in Historic Race Cup 2004 in Botniaring, Jurva. Results were moderate (9th in both races). Big thanks to Kari Heinonen for building the car and to Jari Salmi for borrowing a new brake pipe to replace the one that broke during the first race. Next race will be in Kemora 17.-18.7.2004

Team bought Ford Cortina GT -65 from fellow racer Jari Salmi.The car is one of the best build in the country and offers some advantages over the team’s other Cortina GT.

Kari Pikkarainen took part in the Gulf Historic Race Cup 2004 in Kemora. Results can be found from here.

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